mercedes made 55,000 last year in her design job. how did her salary compare to the insustry average

A a lot less than the average
B a little less than the average
C a lot more than the average
D a little more than the avrage

To determine how Mercedes' salary compares to the industry average, we would need information on the industry average salary. Without this information, we cannot accurately determine the answer.

To determine how Mercedes' salary compares to the industry average, we would need information about the industry average salary for a design job. Without this information, we cannot accurately determine the comparison.

To determine how Mercedes' salary compares to the industry average, we need information about the industry average salary for her design job. Without that specific figure, we cannot make an accurate comparison. However, I can explain the process to compare the salary.

1. Determine the industry average salary: This can be done by researching online job portals, industry reports, or consulting with professionals in the field. Let's assume the average salary is $50,000.

2. Calculate the difference: Subtract the industry average salary from Mercedes' salary. In this case, the calculation would be $55,000 - $50,000 = $5,000.

3. Evaluate the difference: Based on the outcome of the calculation, we can make a comparison. If the difference is significant, we can conclude that Mercedes' salary is either "A a lot less than the average" or "C a lot more than the average." If the difference is relatively small, we can conclude that her salary is either "B a little less than the average" or "D a little more than the average."

Since we do not have the exact industry average salary, we cannot determine the specific option.