roughly it takes light less than 0.000000003 of a second to travel a one-meter distance . express the number in the form of

a x 10^n where 1 < a < 10 and is one digit smaller.

To express the number in the form of a x 10^n, we can convert the given time into scientific notation.

The time taken by light to travel a one-meter distance is less than 0.000000003 seconds. This can be written as 3 x 10^(-9) seconds.

In scientific notation, the number is "3" (a is 3) and the power of 10 is -9 (n is -9). The number "3" is between 1 and 10, and it's one digit smaller than 10.

To express the number in the form of "a x 10^n," we need to convert the given time into scientific notation.

The given time is less than 0.000000003 seconds.

We can rewrite it as 3 x 10^(-9) seconds, which means the value of "a" is 3, and "n" is -9.

So, the number can be expressed as 3 x 10^(-9), where 1 < a < 10 and is one digit smaller.

To express the number in the form of "a x 10^n," we need to count the number of decimal places from the given value and determine the corresponding exponent.

In this case, the value is less than 1, and it takes light less than 0.000000003 of a second to travel one meter. We need to convert this value into a number between 1 and 10.

Start by counting the number of decimal places. In this case, there are 9 decimal places (0.000000003).

To obtain a number smaller than 1, but greater than or equal to 0.1 (1 digit smaller than 1), we move the decimal point 9 places to the right:

0.000000003 becomes 3.0.

Now, representing this number in the form of "a x 10^n," we count the number of decimal places moved to the right, which is 9. Therefore, the exponent (n) is 9.

Combining these values, the number 0.000000003 can be expressed as:
3.0 x 10^(-9)