an industry research group gathered salary information from for random graphic designers who works full-time in the field. which salary is closest to the industry average

A 63,000
B 52,000
C 39,000
D 48,000

To determine which salary is closest to the industry average, we need to calculate the average of the provided salaries.

(63,000 + 52,000 + 39,000 + 48,000) / 4 = 51,500

The average salary is 51,500. Among the provided options, the closest salary to the industry average is option B, 52,000.

To find out which salary is closest to the industry average, you need to add up all four salaries and divide the sum by the number of salaries. Since there are four salaries, let's calculate the industry average:

(63,000 + 52,000 + 39,000 + 48,000) / 4 = 202,000 / 4 = 50,500

The industry average salary is approximately $50,500.

Now we can compare each salary to the industry average:

A) 63,000 - difference to the average: 63,000 - 50,500 = 12,500
B) 52,000 - difference to the average: 52,000 - 50,500 = 1,500
C) 39,000 - difference to the average: 50,500 - 39,000 = 11,500
D) 48,000 - difference to the average: 48,000 - 50,500 = -2,500

From the calculations above, we can see that the salary closest to the industry average is option B, which is $52,000.

To find the salary closest to the industry average, we need to calculate the average salary of the graphic designers and then compare it to the given options.

Step 1: Calculate the average salary:
To calculate the average, sum up all the salaries and divide by the total number of graphic designers.

63,000 + 52,000 + 39,000 + 48,000 = 202,000

Total salaries = 202,000

Total number of graphic designers = 4

Average salary = Total salaries / Total number of graphic designers
Average salary = 202,000 / 4 = 50,500

Step 2: Compare the calculated average salary with the given options:
A) 63,000
B) 52,000
C) 39,000
D) 48,000

The calculated average salary is 50,500. We can compare this with the given options to find the one that is closest to the industry average.

The option closest to the industry average is B) 52,000, as it is only 1,500 away from the calculated average salary of 50,500.