when jamaal got to start in design 30 years ago, he spent most of his time creating ads for billboards. what job title did he most likely have

A creating director
B advertising designer
C branding designer
D packaging designers

B advertising designer

Based on the information provided, the job title that Jamaal most likely had when he started in design 30 years ago and spent most of his time creating ads for billboards is B) advertising designer.

To determine the most likely job title that Jamaal had when he started in design 30 years ago, we need to consider the main aspect of his work, which was creating ads for billboards.

A. Creative Director: A Creative Director typically oversees a team and sets the overall artistic direction of a project. While they may have input in creating ads, their role is more about managing and providing creative direction rather than solely creating ads themselves.

B. Advertising Designer: This job title seems to be the most suitable for Jamaal based on the information given. An Advertising Designer is responsible for creating visually appealing and impactful advertisements. Given that Jamaal spent most of his time creating ads for billboards, this aligns closely with the job responsibilities of an Advertising Designer.

C. Branding Designer: Branding Designers are focused on creating consistent visual elements for a brand, such as logos, colors, and typography. While this role may sometimes involve creating ads, it doesn't explicitly mention the creation of billboards like in Jamaal's case.

D. Packaging Designer: Packaging Designers specialize in designing packaging for products. While they may also work on other design elements, it doesn't directly relate to creating ads for billboards.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the most likely job title for Jamaal when he started in design 30 years ago would be B. Advertising Designer.