There are about 1.6 * 10 ^ 3 m in a mile about how many miles are there in 3.52 * 10 ^ 7 m write your answer in scientific notation

To find out how many miles are in 3.52 * 10^7 m, we need to divide the given distance by the conversion factor of 1.6 * 10^3 m/mile.

So, the calculation will be:
3.52 * 10^7 m / (1.6 * 10^3 m/mile)

Dividing the coefficients and subtracting the exponents, we get:
3.52 / 1.6 * 10^(7-3) = 2.2 * 10^4

Therefore, there are 2.2 * 10^4 miles in 3.52 * 10^7 m.

To convert meters to miles, we need to divide the given distance in meters by the conversion factor.

1 mile is approximately equal to 1.6 * 10^3 meters.

1 mile = 1.6 * 10^3 meters

To find how many miles are in 3.52 * 10^7 meters, we divide this distance by the conversion factor:

3.52 * 10^7 meters / (1.6 * 10^3 meters/mile)

Simplifying the expression:

(3.52 * 10^7) / (1.6 * 10^3) meters/mile

To divide numbers in scientific notation, we subtract the exponents:

3.52 / 1.6 * 10^(7 - 3) meters/mile

Calculating the division:

2.2 * 10^4 meters/mile

So, there are 2.2 * 10^4 miles in 3.52 * 10^7 meters.

To find out how many miles are there in 3.52 * 10^7 meters, we need to divide the given distance in meters by the conversion factor from meters to miles.

The conversion factor is 1.6 * 10^3 meters per mile. To convert from meters to miles, divide the distance in meters by the conversion factor:

(3.52 * 10^7 meters) / (1.6 * 10^3 meters per mile)

To divide numbers in scientific notation, divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents:

(3.52 / 1.6) * 10^(7 - 3) miles

Simplifying the coefficient gives:

2.2 * 10^4 miles

Therefore, there are approximately 2.2 * 10^4 miles in 3.52 * 10^7 meters.