Just before the ball hits the ground, how are its speed and kinetic energy related?(1 point)


Both speed and kinetic energy are at their greatest values.
Both speed and kinetic energy are at their greatest values.

Speed is at its lowest value, which kinetic energy is at its highest value.
Speed is at its lowest value, which kinetic energy is at its highest value.

Speed is at its highest value, while kinetic energy is at its lowest value.
Speed is at its highest value, while kinetic energy is at its lowest value.

Both speed and kinetic energy are at their lowest values.

Both speed and kinetic energy are at their lowest values.

Both speed and kinetic energy are at their lowest values.

Just before the ball hits the ground, its speed is at its highest value, while its kinetic energy is also at its highest value.

To understand this relationship, let's explore the concepts of speed and kinetic energy:

1. Speed: Speed is a measure of how fast an object is moving. It is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. In the context of the ball falling, its speed increases as it falls due to the acceleration caused by gravity. Just before hitting the ground, the ball is moving at its maximum speed.

2. Kinetic energy: Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a moving object. It depends on both the mass and the speed of the object. The formula for calculating kinetic energy is KE = 0.5 * mass * speed^2. As the ball falls, its speed increases, and since kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the speed, the kinetic energy of the ball also increases.

Therefore, just before the ball hits the ground, both its speed and kinetic energy are at their greatest values. This is because the ball has been falling and gaining momentum, resulting in a higher speed and greater kinetic energy.