Which statement explains why the river and springs were important to the settlement?(1 point)


The river offered a good travel route for explorers and goods.
The river offered a good travel route for explorers and goods.

The river and springs supplied water for crops, livestock, and people.
The river and springs supplied water for crops, livestock, and people.

The river offered a relief from the Texas heat.
The river offered a relief from the Texas heat.

The river was a good place for explorers to rest.

The statement "The river and springs supplied water for crops, livestock, and people." explains why the river and springs were important to the settlement.

The statement that explains why the river and springs were important to the settlement is:

"The river and springs supplied water for crops, livestock, and people."

The statement that explains why the river and springs were important to the settlement is: "The river and springs supplied water for crops, livestock, and people."

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the function and significance of rivers and springs for settlements.

First, rivers and springs are essential water sources for agriculture. They provide the necessary water supply for irrigating crops, promoting their growth, and ensuring a successful harvest. In turn, having access to water facilitates the development of a sustainable food supply for the settlement.

Second, rivers and springs also play a crucial role in supporting livestock. Animals need water to drink and stay hydrated, and rivers and springs provide a reliable water source for them. Adequate water supply contributes to the health and productivity of livestock, which can be an important source of food, labor, and trade for the settlement.

Lastly, rivers can potentially offer a relief from extreme weather conditions, like the Texas heat mentioned in the options. Riverbanks provide shade, creating a cooler microclimate where settlers can find respite from hot temperatures and enjoy recreational activities.

Overall, the river and springs are essential resources that supply water for various purposes, including agriculture, livestock, and human consumption.