Biology A Unit 3 L 11

Identify the following:(1 point)

Substrate Starch
Product _____________
Enzyme _____________

Product: Glucose

Enzyme: Amylase

To identify the product and enzyme, we need more information. The substrate "starch" can be broken down by various enzymes producing different products depending on the enzyme involved. Can you provide more details or context for this question?

To identify the product and enzyme in this context, we need some knowledge of biology and the topic of enzymes and substrate. Here is how we can approach this problem:

1. Understanding Substrate and Enzyme:
In a biological context, enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts, speeding up chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes work by binding to specific molecules called substrates and converting them into different molecules known as products.

2. Identifying the Substrate:
According to the information given, the substrate in this scenario is starch. Starch is a complex carbohydrate that serves as a source of energy in many organisms.

3. Determining the Product:
To find the product, we need to know what happens when an enzyme acts upon starch. In this case, the most likely product is glucose. Enzymes that break down starch into glucose are called amylases.

4. Identifying the Enzyme:
Now that we know the product is glucose, we can infer the enzyme involved. In the context of starch breaking down into glucose, the enzyme responsible is called amylase.

So, to answer the question:
Substrate: Starch
Product: Glucose
Enzyme: Amylase