You will now evaluate and present your findings from the investigation you conducted. Write a paragraph to show what you found. Remember to:

Draw a conclusion and make a claim. What do these reactions say about substances and chemical reactions that would hold true in most cases?
Use evidence to support your analysis and conclusion.
Explain your analysis and conclusion.
Use the rubric to check your work before submitting it to the teacher.

After conducting my investigation, it is clear that chemical reactions involve the breaking and forming of bonds between substances. The evidence from various reactions supports this claim. For example, when the metal magnesium is heated, it reacts with oxygen from the air to form magnesium oxide. Similarly, the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide results in the formation of salt and water. These reactions demonstrate that substances can undergo chemical changes, resulting in the creation of new substances. This investigation also highlights the conservation of mass in chemical reactions, as the total mass of the reactants is equal to the mass of the products. Overall, these findings suggest that in most cases, chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms in substances to form new ones while conserving mass.

Based on the investigation conducted, there were several key findings that can be drawn. Firstly, it was observed that substances undergo chemical reactions by reacting with other substances or elements. This was evident from the color changes, formation of precipitates, and evolution of gases that occurred during the experiments. Additionally, it was noticed that chemical reactions often involve the breaking and forming of chemical bonds between atoms. This can be seen from the production of new substances with different properties compared to the initial substances. Moreover, it was observed that chemical reactions are typically characterized by an exchange of energy. This was evident from the temperature changes observed during the experiments, indicating the release or absorption of energy. Therefore, it can be concluded that substances and chemical reactions are governed by certain principles that hold true in most cases, including the interaction of substances, bond formation and breaking, and energy exchange.

To evaluate and present the findings from the investigation conducted, it is important to analyze the reactions observed. Based on the evidence collected, it can be concluded that chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances. This is supported by the observation that the reactants underwent changes in both physical and chemical properties, such as changes in color, temperature, and the formation of precipitates or gases. Furthermore, these reactions followed the law of conservation of mass, as the total mass of the reactants equaled the total mass of the products. This investigation demonstrates that chemical reactions result in the formation of new substances with different properties, suggesting that substances and chemical reactions generally exhibit these characteristics in most cases.