In this experiment, a ball rolls down a hill and hits a cup at the bottom. The hypothesis is investigation to predicted if the starting ___________ I have the ball is increased it’s kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill will be___________ The data shows that lower the starting height, would move the car up at the bottom of a distance of 80 Cm The data shows that the ball was higher starting height would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a distance of 191 cm. This means increasing the start and height of the ball will ________ The kinetic energy of the ball of the ramp the hypothesis was __________

The missing words in the text are "height", "increased", "increase", and "supported".

The hypothesis is investigating if the starting height of the ball is increased, its kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill will be increased.

The data shows that lower the starting height, would move the cup at the bottom of a distance of 80 cm.

The data shows that the ball with a higher starting height would move the cup at the bottom of the ramp a distance of 191 cm.

This means increasing the starting height of the ball will increase the kinetic energy of the ball off the ramp. The hypothesis was supported.

In this experiment, the hypothesis under investigation is whether increasing the starting height of the ball will result in an increased kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill. The data collected shows that when the ball had a lower starting height, it moved the cup at the bottom of the ramp a distance of 80 cm. On the other hand, when the ball had a higher starting height, it moved the cup a distance of 191 cm. This indicates that increasing the starting height of the ball will increase the kinetic energy of the ball at the bottom of the ramp. Therefore, the hypothesis was supported by the data.

In this experiment, the aim is to investigate how the starting height of a ball affects its kinetic energy at the bottom of a hill. The hypothesis being tested is that if the starting height of the ball is increased, its kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill will also increase.

To analyze the data, we look at the distances the ball moves when starting at different heights. It is mentioned that when the ball is started from a lower height, it reaches a distance of 80 cm at the bottom of the hill. In contrast, when the ball is started from a higher height, it reaches a distance of 191 cm at the bottom of the ramp.

Based on this data, we can conclude that increasing the starting height of the ball will result in an increase in its kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill. This is indicated by the fact that the ball moved a greater distance (191 cm) when started from a higher height compared to when it was started from a lower height (80 cm). Thus, the hypothesis stating that increasing the starting height of the ball will increase its kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill is supported by the data from the experiment.