Which of the following statements about unit of measurement called tje Newton is true

There seems to be a typo in the question ("tje" instead of "the"). However, assuming the intended unit of measurement is the Newton,

The Newton is a unit of measurement for force in the International System of Units (SI). It is named after Sir Isaac Newton, the famous scientist who formulated the laws of motion.

A correct statement about the Newton would be:

- The Newton is the SI unit of measurement for force.

The statement "The Newton is the unit of measurement for force" is true.

To determine which statement about the unit of measurement called the Newton is true, we need to understand what a Newton represents. The Newton is the SI unit of force and is defined as the force required to accelerate a one-kilogram mass by one meter per second squared.

Now let's go through the provided statements to identify the true one:

Statement 1: "The Newton is a unit of length."
Based on the definition mentioned above, this statement is incorrect. The Newton is a unit of force, not length.

Statement 2: "The Newton is a unit of time."
Again, referring to the definition, this statement is incorrect. The Newton is a unit of force, not time.

Statement 3: "The Newton is a unit of force."
This statement aligns with the definition provided and is, therefore, true. The Newton is indeed a unit of force.

So, the correct answer is statement 3: "The Newton is a unit of force."