A piece of coastal land, and the surrounding fishing areas, has been occupied by a fishing society for centuries. This society does not have a government, or acknowledge that any larger government rules over them.

Use the passage to answer the question.
Do political scientists consider the society described here to be a country?
(1 point)

yes, because it includes a defined piece of land
yes, because it includes a defined piece of land

no, because it does not have an organized government
no, because it does not have an organized government

no, because it mostly includes sea space rather than land
no, because it mostly includes sea space rather than land

yes, because the people have historical sovereignty over the area
yes, because the people have historical sovereignty over the area

The correct answer is: no, because it does not have an organized government.

Political scientists would likely consider the society described here to not be a country. This is because it does not have an organized government.

Based on the passage, political scientists would likely consider the society described here to not be a country. This is because it does not have an organized government. While the society occupies a piece of coastal land and fishing areas, the absence of a government means it lacks the basic structure and institutions typically associated with a country. The fact that it mostly includes sea space rather than land also suggests that it may not meet the criteria to be considered a country. However, it is worth noting that historical sovereignty over the area could potentially be a factor in considering it as a country, but this would depend on the specific criteria and perspectives of the political scientists in question.

Why did the Founding Fathers choose to adopt a Constitution?

(1 point)

to give states rights within the nation
to give states rights within the nation

to give individuals rights within their states
to give individuals rights within their states

to outline the powers of a new federal government
to outline the powers of a new federal government

to limit the powers of the existing federal government


Why did the Founding Fathers choose to adopt a Constitution?
(1 point)

to give states rights within the nation
to give states rights within the nation

to give individuals rights within their states
to give individuals rights within their states

to outline the powers of a new federal government
to outline the powers of a new federal government

to limit the powers of the existing federal government