How will changing each property impact the kinetic energy of a moving object?(2 points)

Increase or decrease

_______ speed will increase kinetic energy. _________ mass will increase kinetic energy. _________ speed will decrease kinetic energy. __________ mass will decrease kinetic energy.

Increasing speed will increase kinetic energy and decreasing speed will decrease kinetic energy. Increasing mass will also increase kinetic energy while decreasing mass will decrease kinetic energy.

Increasing speed will increase kinetic energy. Increasing mass will also increase kinetic energy. Decreasing speed will decrease kinetic energy. Decreasing mass will decrease kinetic energy.

To understand how changing each property (speed and mass) will impact the kinetic energy of a moving object, we need to know the formula for kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy (KE) is calculated using the following formula:
KE = (1/2) * m * v^2

KE = kinetic energy
m = mass of the object
v = velocity (speed) of the object

Now, let's consider the impact of changing each property on kinetic energy:

1. Speed:
Increasing the speed of the object will have a direct impact on its kinetic energy. According to the formula, the kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity. This means that if you increase the speed (velocity) of an object, the kinetic energy will increase even more. So, increasing speed will increase kinetic energy.

2. Mass:
Changing the mass of the object will also affect its kinetic energy. According to the formula, the kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object. This means that if you increase the mass of an object, its kinetic energy will also increase. So, increasing mass will increase kinetic energy.

3. Slowing down (decreasing speed):
If you decrease the speed (velocity) of the object, it will have a direct impact on its kinetic energy. As mentioned earlier, kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity. So, if you decrease the speed of an object, the kinetic energy will decrease as well. Therefore, decreasing speed will decrease kinetic energy.

4. Lowering the mass:
Lowering the mass of the object will also affect its kinetic energy. As mentioned earlier, kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass. So, if you decrease the mass of an object, its kinetic energy will also decrease. Thus, lowering the mass will decrease kinetic energy.

In summary:
- Increasing speed will increase kinetic energy.
- Increasing mass will increase kinetic energy.
- Decreasing speed will decrease kinetic energy.
- Decreasing mass will decrease kinetic energy.