If Chase runs 5 miles in 60 minutes, how far will he run in 3 hours if he continues to run at the same rate?(1 point)

If Chase runs 5 miles in 60 minutes, he is running at a rate of 5 miles per 60 minutes. Therefore, in 3 hours, which is equivalent to 3 * 60 = <<3*60=180>>180 minutes, Chase will run 5 miles * (180 minutes/60 minutes) = <<5*(180/60)=15>>15 miles. Answer: \boxed{15}.

To find out how far Chase will run in 3 hours if he continues to run at the same rate, we need to determine how far he runs in 1 hour and then multiply that by 3.

If Chase runs 5 miles in 60 minutes, we can calculate his rate as 5 miles / 60 minutes = 0.0833 miles per minute.

To find out how far Chase will run in 1 hour, we can multiply his rate by the number of minutes in an hour, which is 60: 0.0833 miles per minute * 60 minutes = 4.998 miles.

Finally, to find out how far Chase will run in 3 hours, we multiply the distance he runs in 1 hour by 3: 4.998 miles * 3 = 14.994 miles.

Therefore, Chase will run approximately 14.994 miles in 3 hours if he continues to run at the same rate.

To solve this problem, you need to determine Chase's running rate, which is the number of miles he can run in a certain amount of time (in this case, 60 minutes).

Chase runs 5 miles in 60 minutes, so his running rate is 5 miles per 60 minutes.

To find out how far Chase will run in 3 hours (which is equal to 180 minutes), you can set up a proportion.

Let x represent the distance Chase will run in 180 minutes.

Then, you can write the proportion:

5 miles / 60 minutes = x miles / 180 minutes

To solve for x (the distance Chase will run in 180 minutes), you can cross-multiply:

(5 miles)(180 minutes) = (60 minutes)(x miles)

900 miles * minutes = 60 * x miles

Divide both sides by 60 to solve for x:

900 miles * minutes / 60 = x miles

15 miles = x

Therefore, if Chase continues to run at the same rate, he will run 15 miles in 3 hours.