because the Egyptians constructed early forms of glass and mortar for setting bricks, scholars know they were skilled in which science?

Scholars know that the Egyptians were skilled in the science of materials engineering.

The skill demonstrated by the ancient Egyptians in constructing early forms of glass and mortar indicates their proficiency in several scientific domains, including:

1. Chemistry: The production of glass requires a detailed understanding of the chemical properties of various raw materials, such as silica (sand), plant ash, and lime. The Egyptians must have possessed knowledge of chemical reactions and techniques to create glass.

2. Geology: The knowledge of identifying and sourcing different types of sand and minerals, such as silica-rich sand for glassmaking, suggests the Egyptians' understanding of geology. They may have had the ability to recognize and exploit local mineral resources.

3. Engineering: Developing effective mortar for setting bricks requires an understanding of materials, such as mixing proportions, curing techniques, and the effect of environmental factors on the strength and durability of the mortar. The Egyptians' expertise in engineering is evident in their ability to construct long-lasting structures.

4. Metallurgy: Certain types of glass, such as those enriched with metallic oxides to produce colored glass, require a grasp of metallurgical processes. The Egyptians' utilization of colored glass implies knowledge of manipulating metallic compounds in glassmaking.

5. Mathematics: The precision demonstrated in creating glass and mortar suggests a command of mathematical concepts, such as measurement, proportion, and symmetry. Accurate calculations and an understanding of geometric principles would have been essential in architectural and construction practices.

While the ancient Egyptians may not have formally categorized these disciplines as modern sciences, their achievements in glassmaking and mortar production affirm their grasp of various scientific principles and applied knowledge.

To determine which science the Egyptians were skilled in based on their early construction of glass and mortar, we can analyze the materials and processes involved.

1. Glass: The Egyptians were indeed skilled in the science of working with glass. The invention of glassmaking is attributed to them. They developed various techniques to produce glass objects, such as beads, vessels, and jewelry. To uncover how they achieved this, we can follow these steps:

a. Research ancient Egyptian glassmaking techniques: One way to understand their glassmaking science is by studying historical records, archaeological finds, and scholarly research on ancient Egyptian glassmaking methods.

b. Investigate the composition of ancient Egyptian glass: Analyzing the elemental and chemical composition of ancient Egyptian glass samples can reveal insights into their scientific knowledge of glassmaking.

c. Examine the manufacturing processes: Studying the manufacturing techniques employed by the Egyptians, such as heating, shaping, decorating, and annealing glass objects, can provide further evidence of their scientific skills in working with glass.

2. Mortar: The use of mortar for setting bricks indicates the Egyptians' mastery of the science of masonry. Mortar is a binding material that holds bricks or stones together and provides structural stability. To delve into their understanding of this science, you can take the following steps:

a. Investigate ancient Egyptian mortar composition: Analyze the ingredients used in ancient Egyptian mortar, such as lime, sand, and water, to understand their understanding of the specific compositions necessary for effective mortar.

b. Examine the techniques employed: Study the construction techniques employed by the Egyptians, such as mixing mortar, adjusting ratios, and applying it to the bricks, to gain insights into their expertise in masonry.

By examining the historical records, archaeological finds, chemical analysis of ancient materials, and studying the manufacturing techniques employed, scholars can conclude that the Egyptians were skilled in the sciences of working with glass and masonry.