the percentage of atmospheric oxygen does not affect whether a planet will have life or not according to this chart.

A true
B false

B false

The answer is B) False. The percentage of atmospheric oxygen is an important factor in determining whether a planet can support life. Oxygen is a crucial element for many forms of life on Earth, including humans and animals. It is used by organisms for respiration and energy production. Therefore, the presence or absence of oxygen can significantly impact the potential for life on a planet.

To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to refer to the chart. Unfortunately, since I am an AI text-based model, I do not have the capability to directly view or analyze charts. However, I can provide you with some general knowledge about the percentage of atmospheric oxygen and its relation to life on a planet.

The presence of atmospheric oxygen can be a significant factor in supporting life forms on Earth. It is essential for most aerobic organisms, including humans, to survive. However, the absence or low levels of atmospheric oxygen does not necessarily mean that a planet cannot support life.

Life on other planets could potentially evolve and adapt to different atmospheric compositions. Some extremophile organisms on Earth can survive in environments with very little or no oxygen. Additionally, there might be different types of life forms that thrive in diverse atmospheric conditions.

To conclusively determine whether the percentage of atmospheric oxygen affects the presence of life on other planets, scientific studies and observations need to be conducted. It's important to explore various factors, including atmospheric composition, temperature, presence of water, and other environmental conditions to ascertain the potential for extraterrestrial life.