Li is trying to locate a PDF file on a thumb drive with a lot of other files on it. What could Li look at to help him find the file?

(1 point)

a web browser

a web browser

the file extension

the file extension

the file abbreviation

the file abbreviation

the file derivative

the file name and the file extension

To locate a PDF file on a thumb drive, Li could look at:

1. The file extension: PDF files typically have the extension ".pdf". Li can search for files with this extension to narrow down the search.

2. The file abbreviation: If Li is familiar with the abbreviation or acronym used for the PDF file, he can search for files with that specific abbreviation.

3. The file derivative: Li can look for any derivatives or variations of the PDF file that may be stored on the thumb drive. This could include files with similar names or content.

It is not necessary to look at a web browser as thumb drives are typically used to store files locally, and web browsers are generally used for accessing online content.

To locate a specific PDF file on a thumb drive, Li can look at the following options:

1. File Extensions: PDF files typically have the ".pdf" file extension. Li can check if the file he is looking for has this file extension attached to it. To do this, he can open the file explorer or file manager on his computer, navigate to the thumb drive, and visually scan for files with the ".pdf" extension.

2. File Names or Abbreviations: If Li knows the specific file name or abbreviation of the PDF file, he can search for it by typing the file name or abbreviation into the search bar of the file explorer or file manager while the thumb drive is selected. This will display any matching files on the thumb drive.

3. File Derivatives: In some cases, PDF files might have derivatives or variations, such as modified versions, copies, or cached versions. Li can check if any of these file derivatives on the thumb drive match the PDF file he is looking for by examining the file names or extensions.

It's important to note that using a web browser may not directly help locate a PDF file on a thumb drive. Web browsers are mainly used for browsing the internet and accessing online content, whereas thumb drives primarily contain files stored locally on the computer or device.