Which is the best conclusion you can draw from the fact that the main way to get goods was through trade?(1 point) Responses No central form of money was used during this time period. No central form of money was used during this time period. Different settlements had access to different resources. Different settlements had access to different resources. Trading was faster than using money. Trading was faster than using money. The Europeans had different money than Indigenous peoples.

Different settlements had access to different resources.

The best conclusion that can be drawn from the fact that the main way to get goods was through trade is that different settlements had access to different resources.

The best conclusion that can be drawn from the fact that the main way to get goods was through trade is that different settlements had access to different resources. To arrive at this conclusion, we can analyze the given information and eliminate the other options.

1. "No central form of money was used during this time period." This option suggests that there was no common currency in use during this time. However, this conclusion cannot be confidently drawn solely from the fact that trade was the main way to obtain goods. While it is possible that there was no central form of money, it is not explicitly stated and cannot be inferred from the given information.

2. "Trading was faster than using money." This option proposes that trading was faster compared to using money as a means of obtaining goods. Although trade may have been a faster method in some cases, this conclusion cannot be definitively drawn from the given information alone. It is an assumption based on the comparison between trade and using money, which is not directly stated.

3. "The Europeans had different money than Indigenous peoples." This option suggests that there were different types of currency used by Europeans and Indigenous peoples. However, the given information does not provide any indication of differing currencies between these groups. Therefore, this conclusion cannot be accurately drawn from the information provided.

Therefore, the best conclusion is that different settlements had access to different resources. This conclusion can be inferred from the fact that trade was the primary method of obtaining goods. When different settlements engage in trade, they are exchanging goods and resources that they possess with each other. This implies that each settlement has access to resources that other settlements may not have, leading to the reliance on trade as a means of obtaining goods.