Which of the following goods were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia? Select the two that apply.%0D%0A%0D%0A (2 points)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0ARice%0D%0ARice%0D%0A%0D%0AGrapes%0D%0AGrapes%0D%0A%0D%0AIndigo%0D%0AIndigo%0D%0A%0D%0ACotton

The two goods that were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia were rice and indigo.

The two goods that were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia are:

1. Rice
2. Indigo

To determine which goods were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia, we need to identify the two correct options from the given choices:

- Rice
- Grapes
- Indigo
- Cotton

To find the two correct options, we can evaluate each choice and determine if they were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia.

Rice: Rice was a major cash crop in colonial Georgia and was produced on a large scale due to the region's favorable climate and the expertise of African slaves who brought their knowledge of rice cultivation. So, rice is one of the goods produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia.

Grapes: While grapes were grown in colonial Georgia, they were not produced on a large scale. The climate and soil conditions were not particularly suitable for large-scale grape production, and other crops like rice and indigo dominated the agricultural economy. So, grapes were not produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia.

Indigo: Indigo was another significant cash crop in colonial Georgia. Indigo plants were cultivated to extract blue dye, which was in high demand in Europe at the time. It was produced on a large scale by using slave labor. Therefore, indigo is one of the goods produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia.

Cotton: Cotton was not a major crop in colonial Georgia. It was introduced later and became significant during the 19th century. So, cotton was not produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia.

Based on the evaluation, the two goods that were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia are:
1. Rice
2. Indigo