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English – detected
Rantsie enrolled at a highly acclaimed quintile level 1-school known for its high academic standards, excellent matric results and good discipline. However, after a few months, Rantsie realised that he had difficulty developing a sense of belonging. To make sense of his feelings of disappointment, he started to reflect on his schooling experience:
Mrs. D has been teaching for twenty-five years at the school, and upon reflection, Rantsie realised that her classroom is decorated with pictures that reflect a previous era when the school was all white. Rantsie often finds it difficult to identify with the examples she uses in class to illustrate her lessons. Although Mrs. D is generally friendly, she often seems irritated with the African learners and would say things like, “you people have chosen to come to this school, you will abide by the rules”.

1.2(a). What approach(es) to diversity is reflected in Mrs D’s class?
Rantsie enrolled at a highly acclaimed quintile level 1-school known for its high academic standards, excellent matric results and good discipline. However, after a few months, Rantsie realised that he had difficulty developing a sense of belonging. To make sense of his feelings of disappointment, he started to reflect on his schooling experience:
Mrs. D has been teaching for twenty-five years at the school, and upon reflection, Rantsie realised that her classroom is decorated with pictures that reflect a previous era when the school was all white. Rantsie often finds it difficult to identify with the examples she uses in class to illustrate her lessons. Although Mrs. D is generally friendly, she often seems irritated with the African learners and would say things like, “you people have chosen to come to this school, you will abide by the rules”.

What approach(es) to diversity is reflected in Mrs D’s class?

The approach to diversity reflected in Mrs. D's class is one of exclusion and limited representation. The classroom decorations reflect a previous era when the school was all white, indicating a lack of acknowledgement and inclusion of other racial or cultural backgrounds. Mrs. D's examples and statements show a disregard for the African learners and a belief that they should assimilate and conform to the existing rules without considering their unique experiences and perspectives.

The approach to diversity reflected in Mrs. D's class can be described as exclusionary or assimilationist. This is demonstrated by the fact that her classroom decorations reflect a previous era when the school was all white, making it difficult for learners like Rantsie to identify with the examples she uses in class. Additionally, Mrs. D's statements, such as "you people have chosen to come to this school, you will abide by the rules," indicate that she expects African learners to conform to the majority culture without acknowledging or embracing their own cultural background.

To determine the approach(es) to diversity reflected in Mrs. D's class, we need to analyze the given information. According to the passage, Mrs. D's classroom is decorated with pictures that reflect a previous era when the school was all white. Additionally, Mrs. D often seems irritated with the African learners and makes statements like, "you people have chosen to come to this school, you will abide by the rules".

From this information, it can be inferred that Mrs. D's approach to diversity is exclusionary and biased. By decorating her classroom in a way that reflects a previous era when the school was all white, Mrs. D is not acknowledging or representing the diverse backgrounds of her students. Furthermore, her statements and attitude towards the African learners indicate a lack of understanding and respect for their experiences and cultures.

Overall, the approach to diversity reflected in Mrs. D's class is one that promotes exclusion rather than inclusivity and fails to recognize and value the diversity within the student body.