Which statement best explains the impact of Islam on religious practice in the Mali Empire?(1 point) Responses Once introduced to Islam, people abandoned all of the traditional religions of the empire. Once introduced to Islam, people abandoned all of the traditional religions of the empire. Some people chose to maintain their traditional religions and some blended elements of the two religions. Some people chose to maintain their traditional religions and some blended elements of the two religions. Common people chose to convert to Islam, while the nobility chose to practice traditional religions. Common people chose to convert to Islam, while the nobility chose to practice traditional religions. All people were forced to adopt Islam exclusivel

y and abandon their traditional religions.

The statement that best explains the impact of Islam on religious practice in the Mali Empire is:

"Some people chose to maintain their traditional religions and some blended elements of the two religions."

The statement that best explains the impact of Islam on religious practice in the Mali Empire is "Some people chose to maintain their traditional religions and some blended elements of the two religions."

To determine the impact of Islam on religious practice in the Mali Empire, you would need to study historical sources or accounts of this period. By examining primary sources such as religious texts, chronicles, and accounts from the time, you can gain insight into how Islam influenced religious practices in the empire.

Historical records suggest that Islam was introduced to the Mali Empire through trade and intercultural interactions. As a result, some individuals in the empire chose to convert to Islam, while others decided to maintain their traditional religions. Additionally, there were cases where individuals blended elements from Islam with their traditional practices, creating syncretic religious beliefs and rituals.

To better understand the impact of Islam on religious practices in the Mali Empire, the analysis of various historical sources would be helpful. This could include studying the religious texts and literature from that time period, examining archaeological evidence, and researching accounts from travelers and scholars who were present during the empire's existence.