4.82 x 10^12

4.82 x 10^12 is equivalent to 4,820,000,000,000 or 4.82 trillion.

To calculate 4.82 x 10^12, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the number 4.82.

Step 2: Multiply it by 10 raised to the power of 12. This involves moving the decimal point 12 places to the right.

4.82 x 10^12 = 4.82 with the decimal point moved 12 places to the right.

Step 3: Rewrite the number after moving the decimal point.

4.82 x 10^12 = 48,200,000,000,000

Therefore, 4.82 x 10^12 is equal to 48,200,000,000,000.

To calculate 4.82 x 10^12, you need to understand scientific notation. In scientific notation, large numbers are expressed as a product of a decimal number and a power of 10.

Here's how to calculate 4.82 x 10^12:

Step 1: Take the decimal number, which is 4.82.

Step 2: Multiply it by 10 raised to the power indicated by the exponent, which is 12 in this case.

To do this, you can move the decimal point 12 places to the right:

4.82 x 10^12 = 4,820,000,000,000

Therefore, 4.82 x 10^12 is equal to 4,820,000,000,000.