which force holds the planets in orbit around the sun?

The force that holds the planets in orbit around the sun is gravity. Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that attracts objects with mass towards each other. In the case of the solar system, the massive sun's gravity acts as a central force, causing the planets to revolve around it in elliptical orbits. These gravitational forces keep the planets in their stable orbits and prevent them from moving away or falling into the sun.

The force that holds the planets in orbit around the sun is known as gravitational force. This force is a result of the gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets. The sun's massive size creates a gravitational field that keeps the planets in their respective orbits. The gravitational force pulls the planets towards the sun, while the forward motion of the planets keeps them from falling directly into the sun. This balance between the gravitational attraction and the planet's forward motion allows them to continuously orbit around the sun.

The force that holds the planets in orbit around the sun is known as the gravitational force. This force is governed by Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation. It states that every object with mass attracts other objects with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.

To calculate the force of gravity between any two objects, such as a planet and the sun, you can use the following formula:

F = (G * m1 * m2) / r^2

where F represents the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant (approximately 6.67430 × 10^-11 m^3/kg/s^2), m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between their centers.

In the case of the planets orbiting the sun, the gravitational force between each planet and the sun pulls the planet towards the sun while the planet's velocity keeps it moving forward. This balance between the inward gravitational force and the outward velocity of the planet results in a stable orbit around the sun.