Which of the following is the role of supporting details in a text?(1 point) Responses to show the reader how to find more details about the topic in other texts to show the reader how to find more details about the topic in other texts to help the reader understand the central idea to help the reader understand the central idea to give information about topics related to the main topic to give information about topics related to the main topic to give the author's opinion about a topic

The role of supporting details in a text is to help the reader understand the central idea.

The role of supporting details in a text is to help the reader understand the central idea.

The role of supporting details in a text is to help the reader understand the central idea. Supporting details are specific pieces of information, examples, or evidence that provide support or back up the main idea in a text. They help to clarify and deepen the reader's understanding of the topic by providing additional information or explanations.

To identify the role of supporting details in a text, you can look for clues within the text itself. Pay attention to sentences or paragraphs that provide examples, evidence, or further explanations related to the main idea. These are often the supporting details that help reinforce the central message of the text.

In this particular question, the correct answer is "to help the reader understand the central idea." Supporting details in a text are not meant to give the author's opinion about a topic or to show the reader how to find more details about the topic in other texts. Rather, their role is to provide additional information that supports and reinforces the central idea of the text.