Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers is greater: 34,835,760 or 43,835,760. Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

(1 point)

The number 34,835,760 can be written in scientific notation as 3.4835760 × 10^7.

The number 43,835,760 can be written in scientific notation as 4.3835760 × 10^7.

Comparing the exponents, we can see that both numbers have the same exponent, 7.

To determine which number is greater, we compare the coefficients. In this case, the coefficient of 4.3835760 × 10^7 is greater than the coefficient of 3.4835760 × 10^7.

Therefore, the number 43,835,760 is greater than 34,835,760 in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

To determine which of these numbers is greater, let's write them in scientific notation.

34,835,760 can be written as 3.483576 × 10^7.
43,835,760 can be written as 4.383576 × 10^7.

Comparing the exponents, we can see that both numbers have the same power of 10 (10^7).

Now let's compare the coefficients: 3.483576 vs 4.383576.

Since 4.383576 is greater than 3.483576, we can conclude that 43,835,760 in scientific notation (4.383576 × 10^7) is greater than 34,835,760 in scientific notation (3.483576 × 10^7).

To determine which of these numbers is greater, we can use scientific notation. Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers in the form of a coefficient multiplied by a power of 10.

Let's convert both numbers to scientific notation:

34,835,760 = 3.483576 * 10^7
43,835,760 = 4.383576 * 10^7

Now we can compare the coefficients. In this case, 4.383576 is greater than 3.483576. Therefore, 43,835,760 is the greater number.

So the answer is: 43,835,760 in scientific notation is 4.383576 * 10^7.