A filled gas tank contains 17.5 gal

of fuel. If a car uses 42.0 L
, how many gallons of fuel remain in the tank?

To convert liters to gallons, we know that 1 gallon is approximately equal to 3.785 liters. Thus, to convert 42.0 L to gallons, we divide 42.0 by 3.785:

42.0 L * (1 gal/3.785 L) = 11.11 gal

Therefore, 11.11 gallons of fuel remain in the tank.

To convert liters to gallons, you can use the conversion factor 1 L = 0.264172 gal.

First, let's convert 42.0 L to gallons:
42.0 L * 0.264172 gal/L = 11.095424 gal

Now, let's find out how many gallons of fuel remain in the tank:
17.5 gal - 11.095424 gal = 6.404576 gal

Therefore, there are approximately 6.4046 gallons of fuel remaining in the tank.

To solve this problem, we need to convert the volume of fuel used by the car from liters to gallons.

1 liter is approximately equal to 0.264172 gallons.

So, we can use the following conversion factor:
1 L = 0.264172 gal

Given that the car uses 42.0 L of fuel, we can calculate the equivalent amount in gallons as follows:

42.0 L * 0.264172 gal/L = 11.056 gals

Therefore, after using 42.0 L of fuel, there are approximately 11.056 gallons of fuel remaining in the tank.