Read the stanza, then answer the questions.

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.

–“Caged Bird,”
Maya Angelou

Which word has a connotative meaning of “sad and lonely”?

The word with a connotative meaning of "sad and lonely" in the stanza is "fearful."

The word that has a connotative meaning of "sad and lonely" is "caged."

To determine the word with a connotative meaning of "sad and lonely" in the given stanza, we need to examine the words and phrases and infer their emotional implications. In this case, the word that has the desired connotation is "caged."

Here is the breakdown of the process:

1. Identify words with potential emotional connotations: In this stanza, the words that could have emotional connotations are "caged" and "sings."

2. Consider the context and associations: The word "caged" suggests a lack of freedom, confinement, and restriction, which typically instills feelings of sadness and loneliness. It implies being trapped or unable to experience what one desires. On the other hand, the word "sings" has a more positive connotation, implying expression or communication.

3. Compare emotional implications: While "sings" may evoke emotions like joy or expression, it does not align with the "sad and lonely" connotation we are looking for. Therefore, "caged" is the word that best fits the sought-after connotative meaning.

In conclusion, the word "caged" in the given stanza has a connotative meaning of "sad and lonely."