Which list of numbers contains ONLY integers?


−24−−√, −37, − 2π
−24−−√, −37, − 2π

−2, 0, 6
−2, 0, 6

5.4, 0, −9
5.4, 0, −9

π, 58, 1

−24−−√, −37, − 2π

The list of numbers that contains ONLY integers is:

−2, 0, 6

To determine which list of numbers contains only integers, we need to identify which list contains numbers that are whole numbers (positive, negative, or zero) without any fractional or decimal parts.

Let's examine each list:

1. −24−−√, −37, −2π:
This list contains both square roots (√) and the Greek letter π (pi), which represents a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal. Therefore, this list does not consist of only integers.

2. −2, 0, 6:
This list contains the numbers -2, 0, and 6, which are all whole numbers without any fractional or decimal parts. Consequently, this list consists only of integers.

3. 5.4, 0, −9:
In this list, 5.4 is a decimal with a fractional part. As a result, this list does not consist solely of integers.

4. π, 58, 1:
Once again, the presence of the Greek letter π makes this list contain a non-integer value. Thus, this list does not consist only of integers.

Therefore, the only list that contains only integers is −2, 0, 6.