In a relationship between variables, what is the variable called that changes in response to another variable?

The variable that changes in response to another variable is called the dependent variable.

The variable that changes in response to another variable is called the dependent variable.

The variable that changes in response to another variable in a relationship is called the dependent variable. To determine the dependent variable in a relationship, follow these steps:

1. Identify the relationship: Understand the cause-and-effect relationship between the variables. Determine which variable is expected to influence or affect the other.

2. Analyze the cause and effect: Consider which variable is being manipulated or controlled, and which variable is expected to be influenced or affected by the manipulation.

3. Determine the dependent variable: The dependent variable is the one that changes or responds to the manipulation of the independent variable. It is dependent on the independent variable.

Keep in mind that the dependent variable is typically plotted on the y-axis of a graph and is often the variable being measured or observed. Also, note that in some cases, a relationship may involve multiple dependent variables, depending on the complexity of the situation or experiment.