Question Canada's mixed economic system is 78% what? (1 point) Responses command command free market free market traditional traditional mixed

The correct answer is mixed.

Canada's mixed economic system is a combination of both a free-market economy and a traditional economy.

To determine what Canada's mixed economic system is 78% of, we need to understand the components of a mixed economic system. A mixed economic system combines features of both a market economy and a planned economy. In a market economy, resources are allocated based on supply and demand, while in a planned economy, the government plays a significant role in resource allocation.

In Canada's mixed economic system, the government intervention is relatively moderate compared to a fully planned economy. However, the government does have a role in regulating certain industries, providing social welfare programs, and influencing economic policies.

Now, let's go back to the original question. To find out what Canada's mixed economic system is 78% of, we need more specific information. Unfortunately, without additional context or data, it becomes difficult to determine the exact composition or breakdown of that 78%. In economics, percentages are often used to represent different aspects of an economy, such as public sector spending as a percentage of GDP or the distribution of resources between private and public sectors.

Therefore, to accurately answer the question, we would need more specific information or data about the 78% figure in relation to Canada's mixed economic system. Without this additional information, the question remains unanswered.