Ava ran a 5 kilometer race in 40 minutes, how far will she run in 18 minutes

To find out how far Ava will run in 18 minutes, we need to determine her average speed during the race.

Average speed = Total distance / Total time

In this case, Ava ran a 5 kilometer race in 40 minutes. Thus,

Average speed = 5 km / 40 min

We can simplify the average speed to km per minute:

Average speed = 0.125 km/min

Now we can use this average speed to calculate how far Ava will run in 18 minutes:

Distance = Speed x Time

Distance = 0.125 km/min x 18 min

Distance = 2.25 kilometers

Therefore, Ava will run 2.25 kilometers in 18 minutes.

To find out how far Ava will run in 18 minutes, we can set up a proportion to compare the time it takes her to run a given distance. Here's how we can do it:

Let x represent the distance Ava will run in 18 minutes.

We know that Ava ran 5 kilometers in 40 minutes, so we can set up the following proportion:

5 km / 40 min = x km / 18 min

To solve this proportion, we cross-multiply:

40 min * x km = 5 km * 18 min

Now solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 40 min:

x km = (5 km * 18 min) / 40 min

Simplifying further:

x km = 90 km*min / 40 min

Dividing km*min by min:

x km = 2.25 km

Therefore, Ava will run 2.25 kilometers in 18 minutes.

To find out how far Ava will run in 18 minutes, we can use the information given: Ava ran a 5 kilometer race in 40 minutes.

We can set up a proportion to solve this problem. The distance Ava runs is directly proportional to the time it takes.

Let's denote d as the distance Ava will run in 18 minutes. We can set up the proportion:

5 km/40 min = d/18 min

To solve for d, we can cross multiply:

5 km * 18 min = 40 min * d

90 km·min = 40 min · d

Now we can divide both sides by 40 min to isolate d:

90 km·min / 40 min = d

d ≈ 2.25 km

Therefore, Ava will run approximately 2.25 kilometers in 18 minutes.