Without external forces, the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will have approximately ________ matching DNA sequences.(1 point) Responses 25% 25% 100% 100% 33% 33% 12.5%


Without external forces, the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will have approximately 100% matching DNA sequences.

To determine the percentage of matching DNA sequences between the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell, we need to consider the process of DNA replication and the probability of mutations occurring.

During DNA replication, there is a chance for errors or mutations to occur, which can result in changes to the DNA sequence. These mutations can accumulate over generations, leading to genetic variations and differences between the parent cell and subsequent generations.

Since the question specifies that there are no external forces, we can assume that there are no additional sources of mutations or genetic variations, such as exposure to mutagens or environmental factors.

In this context, without any external forces, the third generation of a bacterium will have approximately 100% matching DNA sequences with the original parent cell. This is because each generation of bacterial replication aims to replicate the DNA exactly, without introducing any new variations, assuming there are no mutations.

Hence, the correct answer is 100%.