The Charter of 1732 established the colony of Georgia and stated that the colony was to be governed by

James Oglethorpe
King George III
A Board of Trustees

A Board of Trustees

The Charter of 1732 established the colony of Georgia and stated that the colony was to be governed by a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees was entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the governance and administration of the colony. The establishment of the colony of Georgia was primarily aimed at providing a fresh start for debtors and serving as a buffer between South Carolina and Spanish Florida. The Board of Trustees implemented various policies and regulations to govern the colony, including restrictions on land ownership, limitations on slavery, and the prohibition of rum and other alcoholic beverages. James Oglethorpe, who was one of the key benefactors and supporters of the colony, played a significant role in its early development, but the ultimate authority and governance lay with the Board of Trustees.

The Charter of 1732 established the colony of Georgia and stated that the colony was to be governed by a Board of Trustees.

To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by looking up the phrase "Charter of 1732 Georgia" on a search engine like Google.
2. Review the search results to find reliable sources discussing the Charter of 1732 and its provisions.
3. Look for sources such as historical websites, academic journals, or reputable books that provide information on the governance structure established by the charter.
4. Read through the sources to find information about who was designated to govern the colony of Georgia according to the charter.
5. In this case, you will find that the board of trustees was established to govern the colony of Georgia as stated in the Charter of 1732.

Remember, it is always important to verify the information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.