Which of the following is one way the Spanish impacted the Native Americans living in the southeastern region of North America? (1 point) Responses Thousands of Native Americans abandoned their traditional beliefs and converted to Catholicism. Thousands of Native Americans abandoned their traditional beliefs and converted to Catholicism. They formed a strong alliance and became trading partners. They formed a strong alliance and became trading partners. The Native Americans were introduced to new foods. The Native Americans were introduced to new foods. Thousands of Native Americans died as a result of diseases spread by contact with Europeans.

Thousands of Native Americans died as a result of diseases spread by contact with Europeans.

One way the Spanish impacted the Native Americans living in the southeastern region of North America is that thousands of Native Americans died as a result of diseases spread by contact with Europeans.

The correct answer is: Thousands of Native Americans died as a result of diseases spread by contact with Europeans.

To understand this, we can look at the historical impact of Spanish colonization on Native Americans in the southeastern region of North America.

When the Spanish arrived, they brought with them diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza, which were new to the Native American populations. These diseases were highly contagious and had devastating effects on the Native American communities.

Native Americans had never been exposed to these diseases before, which meant that they had no immunity or resistance to them. As a result, when they came into contact with Europeans, they experienced severe illness and high mortality rates.

These diseases spread rapidly among Native American populations, leading to the death of thousands of individuals. The impact was particularly significant in areas where Spanish settlers established permanent settlements and had repeated contact with Native American communities.

It is important to note that while the other options listed in the question also had an impact on Native Americans in different regions and at different times, the most immediate and devastating impact in the southeastern region of North America was the spread of diseases.