Which nonfiction genre is defined as a story of real peoples' lives told by other people?

• autobiography
O fiction
• biography

The nonfiction genre that is defined as a story of real peoples' lives told by other people is a biography.

The nonfiction genre that is defined as a story of real people's lives told by other people is biography.

The nonfiction genre that is defined as a story of real peoples' lives told by other people is called biography.

If you ever come across such a question and need to find the answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the question: Read the question carefully to grasp what is being asked. In this case, the question is asking about a nonfiction genre that involves real people's lives being recounted by others.

2. Identify the options: Take note of the given options: autobiography, fiction, biography, and self-help.

3. Analyze the options: Consider each option and eliminate those that do not fit the given description.

- Autobiography: This genre involves real people telling their own life stories. It does not fit the description provided in the question because it is not told by other people.
- Fiction: This genre consists of imaginative or made-up stories, so it does not involve real people's lives.
- Biography: This genre specifically focuses on telling the stories of real people's lives by authors or narrators who are not the individuals themselves. It aligns perfectly with the description in the question.
- Self-help: This genre primarily aims to provide guidance and assistance to readers who want to improve themselves, rather than telling stories of real people's lives.

4. Identify the correct answer: Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the correct answer is biography, as it fits the description provided in the question.

Remember, being able to analyze the options and understand the question is crucial when finding the correct answer.