What is the ratio of 5:2 in fraction form?(1 point)

25 Start Fraction 2 over 5 End Fraction 52 Start Fraction 5 over 2 End Fraction 72 Start Fraction 7 over 2 End Fraction 210

The ratio 5:2 is equal to the fraction 5/2.

The ratio 5:2 in fraction form is 5/2.

To find the ratio 5:2 in fraction form, you need to express both numbers as a fraction.

In this case, the ratio is 5:2, which means that for every 5 units of the first quantity, there are 2 units of the second quantity.

To express this ratio as a fraction, you can write it as 5/2. So, the fraction form of the ratio 5:2 is 5/2.