1.95x10^6 x 8.03x10^-8

The product of 1.95x10^6 and 8.03x10^-8 is equal to 1.56685.

To multiply two numbers in scientific notation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the two decimal numbers together.
1.95 x 8.03 = 15.5985

Step 2: Multiply the powers of 10 together.
10^6 x 10^-8 = 10^(6-8) = 10^-2

Step 3: Combine the results from steps 1 and 2.
15.5985 x 10^-2

However, since the answer should be in scientific notation, we need to adjust the decimal part.

Step 4: Move the decimal point in the number from step 3 until only one digit is left to the left of the decimal point.
15.5985 becomes 1.55985

Step 5: Adjust the power of 10 accordingly. In this case, since we moved the decimal point two places to get one digit to the left, we need to subtract 2 from the power of 10.
10^-2 becomes 10^(-2-2) = 10^-4

Step 6: Combine the adjusted decimal number from step 4 with the adjusted power of 10 from step 5 to get the final answer in scientific notation.
1.55985 x 10^-4

So, 1.95x10^6 x 8.03x10^-8 = 1.55985 x 10^-4

To multiply numbers written in scientific notation, you can multiply their coefficients and add their exponents of 10.

In this case, we have:

(1.95 × 10^6) × (8.03 × 10^-8)

To multiply the coefficients, multiply 1.95 by 8.03:
1.95 × 8.03 = 15.6385

To add the exponents of 10, add 6 and -8:
10^6 × 10^-8 = 10^(-8+6) = 10^-2

Putting it all together, the product is:

15.6385 × 10^-2

However, to write the answer in proper scientific notation, we need to express the coefficient as a number between 1 and 10. To do this, we can move the decimal point two places to the left, adjusting the exponent of 10 accordingly:

1.56385 × 10^(-2)