1. finding more sources of fossil fuels.
2. increasing the amount of resource use.
3. reducing waste or harm to resource
4. replacing unlimited energy sources

3. reducing waste or harm to resource.

The correct answer is option 3: reducing waste or harm to resources. Conservation of resources involves taking steps to reduce the consumption and waste of resources in order to ensure their availability for future generations. It involves implementing sustainable practices to minimize the impact on the environment and reduce resource depletion.

The correct answer is option 3: reducing waste or harm to resources.

Conservation of resources refers to the practice of using resources in a responsible and sustainable manner, in order to ensure their availability for future generations. This involves implementing strategies that reduce waste, minimize harm to resources, and promote their long-term sustainability.

To determine the correct answer, you can use process of elimination:

1. Finding more sources of fossil fuels: This option does not align with conservation of resources, as it implies increasing the extraction and use of finite resources, which leads to environmental damage and depletion.

2. Increasing the amount of resource use: This option is also contradictory to conservation. Increasing resource use without considering sustainability can result in resource depletion and ecological imbalances.

3. Reducing waste or harm to resources: This option aligns with conservation principles, as it emphasizes the need to minimize waste and reduce the negative impact on natural resources.

4. Replacing unlimited energy sources: This option is not directly related to conservation of resources, as it focuses on replacing unlimited energy sources, rather than reducing waste or harm to resources.

Therefore, option 3, reducing waste or harm to resources, is the correct description of conservation of resources.