Which type of veiw is used in the call of the wild/

A. first person
B. Third-person limited
c. third-person omniscient

B. Third-person limited

The type of view used in "The Call of the Wild" is third-person limited.

To determine which type of view is used in "The Call of the Wild", we can analyze the narrative style of the book.

First-person point of view is when the story is narrated by a character who refers to themselves as "I". This viewpoint allows readers to see the story directly through the eyes and perspective of the narrator.

Third-person limited point of view is when the story is told from the perspective of a narrator who is outside of the story and uses pronouns like "he", "she", or "they", but the thoughts and feelings of only one character are revealed.

Third-person omniscient point of view is when the story is narrated by a voice that knows and sees everything that is happening, including the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters.

In "The Call of the Wild", the story is told from a third-person point of view, and the perspective is limited to the thoughts and experiences of the main character, Buck, a dog. Therefore, the correct answer is B. Third-person limited.