canada's mixed economic system is 98% what?

A command
B traditional
C free market
D mixed

D mixed

Canada's mixed economic system is 98% (C) free market.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand what a mixed economic system is and what its components are.

A mixed economic system is a combination of different economic systems, typically including elements of both market-based capitalism and government intervention. It allows for private ownership and entrepreneurial activity, while also incorporating regulations and government involvement to ensure social welfare and economic stability.

In this case, the question asks what makes up 98% of Canada's mixed economic system. The options given are:
A) Command
B) Traditional
C) Free market
D) Mixed

Based on the definition of a mixed economic system and the given options, we can deduce that the correct answer is D) Mixed. This option accurately reflects that Canada's economic system is a mix of various components, including elements of command, traditional, and free market systems, along with government intervention.

In summary, the correct answer is D) Mixed.