Use scentific notation to compare these numbers: 12,740,876,635; 1,345,763,334; and 12,920,370,000, which has the greatest value?

a 1.292037 x 10^10
b 1.345763334 x 10^9
c 12,920,370,000
d 1.2740876635 x 10^10

To compare these numbers using scientific notation, we need to convert them into the same form.

12,740,876,635 can be written as 1.2740876635 x 10^10 when expressed in scientific notation.

1,345,763,334 can be written as 1.345763334 x 10^9 when expressed in scientific notation.

12,920,370,000 can be written as 1.292037 x 10^10 when expressed in scientific notation.

Comparing the exponents, we can see that 1.292037 x 10^10 and 1.2740876635 x 10^10 have the largest exponents, indicating the greatest values.

Therefore, the answer is (a) 1.292037 x 10^10.

To compare these numbers using scientific notation, we can convert them into the form A x 10^B. Let's do that for each number:

12,740,876,635 = 1.2740876635 x 10^10 (approximately)
1,345,763,334 = 1.345763334 x 10^9 (approximately)
12,920,370,000 = 1.292037 x 10^10 (approximately)

Now that we have all the numbers in scientific notation, we can compare the values of B. The number with the greatest value of B will have the greatest value overall.

Comparing the values of B:
1.292037 x 10^10: B = 10
1.345763334 x 10^9: B = 9
1.2740876635 x 10^10: B = 10

Among these numbers, the greatest value is represented by 1.292037 x 10^10 (option a).

To compare numbers using scientific notation, we need to first convert each number to scientific notation. Scientific notation represents a number as a product of a decimal number between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10.

Let's convert the given numbers to scientific notation:

12,740,876,635 → 1.2740876635 x 10^10
1,345,763,334 → 1.345763334 x 10^9
12,920,370,000 → 1.292037 x 10^10

Now we can compare the numbers:

1.292037 x 10^10 > 1.345763334 x 10^9 > 1.2740876635 x 10^10

From the comparison, we can see that 1.292037 x 10^10 has the greatest value among the given numbers. So, the answer is option a) 1.292037 x 10^10.