since 99% of Canadians can _____ and ____, they enjoy a high standard of living

A read an write
B work and read
C speak and work
D write and speak

C speak and work

C. speak and work

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the given statement. The statement suggests that because 99% of Canadians have certain abilities, they enjoy a high standard of living.

Let's go through each option and see which two abilities are referenced in the statement:

A) "Read and write": While reading and writing are important skills, the statement does not mention them specifically.

B) "Work and read": Again, while both working and reading are important, the statement does not mention them as the abilities needed for Canadians to enjoy a high standard of living.

C) "Speak and work": This option includes two abilities mentioned in the statement. The ability to speak and the ability to work are highlighted as key factors contributing to Canadians' high standard of living.

D) "Write and speak": While both writing and speaking are important skills, the statement does not mention them specifically.

Based on the information provided in the statement, option C, "speak and work," appears to be the correct answer.