Compare 364,879; 463,000; and 436,765 using scientific notation. which number has the least value?

a 3.64879 x 10^5
b 4.63 x 10^5
c 364,876
d 4.36765 x 10^5

To compare these numbers using scientific notation, we need to convert them to the same power of 10.

364,879 = 3.64879 x 10^5
463,000 = 4.63 x 10^5
436,765 = 4.36765 x 10^5

To determine which number has the least value, we compare the coefficients (the numbers before the power of 10).

The coefficient for option a (3.64879) is the smallest among the three options.

Therefore, the number with the least value is option a: 3.64879 x 10^5.

To compare the given numbers using scientific notation, we need to rewrite each number in the proper scientific notation format.

1. 364,879 can be expressed as 3.64879 x 10^5.
2. 463,000 can be expressed as 4.63 x 10^5.
3. 436,765 can be expressed as 4.36765 x 10^5.

Now, let's compare these numbers to determine which one has the least value.

Comparing the exponents:
- All three numbers have the exponent 10^5, so the exponents are not helpful in determining which number is smaller.

Comparing the decimal parts:
- Comparing the decimal part of the scientific notation, we see that 3.64879 < 4.63 < 4.36765.

Therefore, the number with the least value is 3.64879 x 10^5, which corresponds to option a.

To compare the given numbers using scientific notation, we will convert them into the same format.

1. 364,879: To convert this number into scientific notation, we move the decimal point until we have a number between 1 and 10. It becomes 3.64879 x 10^5.

2. 463,000: We follow the same process. Moving the decimal point, we get 4.63 x 10^5.

3. 436,765: After moving the decimal point, it becomes 4.36765 x 10^5.

Now that we have all the numbers in scientific notation, we can compare them based on their exponents.

a) 3.64879 x 10^5
b) 4.63 x 10^5
c) 364,876
d) 4.36765 x 10^5

The numbers with the least value will be the ones with the smallest exponents. Therefore, the number with the least value is "a) 3.64879 x 10^5" because it has the smallest exponent.