The Charter of 1732 established the colony of Georgia and stated that the colony was to be governed by (1 point) Responses James Oglethorpe James Oglethorpe King George III King George III A Board

of Trustees A Board of Trustees

The Charter of 1732 established the colony of Georgia and stated that the colony was to be governed by James Oglethorpe.

To determine who governed the colony of Georgia according to the Charter of 1732, we need to investigate the contents of the charter itself.

First, you can start by searching for the text of the Charter of 1732. You can use search engines like Google or go to reputable historical sources such as government archives, academic libraries, or websites dedicated to historical documents.

Once you find the text of the Charter of 1732, carefully read through it. Pay attention to sections or clauses that discuss the governing structure of the colony. Look for any mentions of individuals or groups who were granted the authority to govern Georgia.

If the charter explicitly states that the colony was to be governed by James Oglethorpe, then the correct answer would be James Oglethorpe. However, if it specifies that the colony was to be governed by King George III, then the correct answer would be King George III.

It's essential to rely on credible historical sources while researching to ensure accuracy in your findings.