Which stage in the demographic transition model has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates?(1 point) Responses stage three stage three stage four stage four stage one stage one stage two

The correct answer is stage two.

The stage in the demographic transition model that has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates is stage two.

The stage in the demographic transition model that has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates is Stage Two.

To understand the demographic transition model and its stages, we need to look at the historical changes in a population's birth rates, death rates, and overall population size over time.

In Stage One, both birth rates and death rates are high, resulting in a relatively stable population size. This stage typically characterizes pre-industrial societies where people have limited access to healthcare, sanitation, and education.

In Stage Two, there is a significant decrease in death rates due to improvements in healthcare, sanitation, and nutrition. However, birth rates remain high, resulting in a rapid population increase. This stage is commonly associated with countries undergoing industrialization and experiencing social and economic changes.

In Stage Three, birth rates start to decline as a result of economic development, improved education, and access to contraception. Death rates continue to decrease or stabilize, leading to a slower population growth rate.

Stage Four is characterized by low birth rates and low death rates, resulting in a relatively stable or slowly growing population. This stage is often seen in developed countries where there is a high standard of living, better healthcare, and widespread access to education and contraceptives.

So, based on these explanations, the correct answer is Stage Two, which corresponds to rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates.