Proteins are made of substances called

amino acids.

Proteins are made of substances called amino acids.

amino acids. Amino acids are organic compounds that contain an amino group (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-COOH), which are linked together by a central carbon atom. There are 20 different amino acids that can be found in proteins, each with its own unique side chain. These side chains vary in size, shape, and chemical properties, contributing to the diversity and functionality of proteins.

To determine that proteins are made of substances called amino acids, you can refer to the field of biochemistry. Biochemists have extensively studied proteins and have identified the building blocks as amino acids through various experimental techniques.

One way to investigate proteins is through hydrolysis, a process that breaks down proteins into their constituent amino acids. By subjecting proteins to hydrolysis and analyzing the resulting mixture, scientists can identify and quantify the different amino acids present.

Another approach is protein sequencing, where the order of amino acids in a protein is determined. This can be done using techniques like Edman degradation or mass spectrometry, which allow for the identification and sequencing of each amino acid residue.

Furthermore, advancements in molecular biology techniques, such as DNA sequencing and recombinant DNA technology, have enabled scientists to study the genetic information that codes for proteins. By analyzing the DNA sequence of genes, researchers can predict the amino acid sequence of the corresponding protein.

Overall, through a combination of experimental techniques and molecular biology approaches, scientists have determined that proteins are composed of amino acids.