Which sentence could appear in a conclusion?(1 point)


There are numerous specialized travel websites that cater to different travelers.

Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings.

Is booking your vacation online the best way to save?

You should take care with your personal information on travel websites.

Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings.

Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings.

The sentence that could appear in a conclusion is: "Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings."

To determine this, we need to understand what a conclusion is and what it typically includes. A conclusion is the final part of a piece of writing where the main points or ideas are summarized and the reader is provided with a sense of closure. In an essay or article, the conclusion is where the writer often restates their thesis or main argument and wraps up the discussion.

Looking at the given options, the sentence "Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings" seems to sum up the main point of the discussion, which is the potential cost savings of booking travel online. It provides a concise summary of the topic and could serve as a concluding statement.

The other sentences do not fit the criteria for a conclusion. The first sentence introduces a new idea about specialized travel websites, which is not directly related to concluding the discussion. The third sentence asks a question, which is more suitable for the introduction or body paragraphs where the topic is being explored. The final sentence emphasizes the importance of protecting personal information, but it does not summarize or conclude the main argument of the discussion.