"The New Governess" and "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist" both discuss how a young Marie Sklowdowska had to overcome cultural barriers to study science. Write an essay analyzing the impact that Marie's focused desire to study and learn had on her success. Use evidence from both passages to support your response.

In both "The New Governess" and "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist," the struggles and triumphs of a young Marie Sklowdowska are explored as she faces cultural barriers to pursue her passion for science. Marie's unwavering determination to study and learn plays a significant role in her ultimate success. By analyzing the impact of Marie's focused desire to study and learn in both passages, it becomes evident how her relentless pursuit of knowledge paved the way for her groundbreaking achievements.

In "The New Governess," Marie's strong desire to study and learn is evident from a young age. Despite being discouraged by her father and society's expectations for women, she defies conventions and continues her education. As the author states, "She studied to-be-admired sciences, earning the highest marks... and was awarded the gold medal" (paragraph 10). Marie's focused desire to learn is reflected in her exceptional academic performance, highlighting her dedication and thirst for knowledge. This determination directly contributes to her success as she later becomes a prominent scientist.

Similarly, in "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist," Marie's focused desire to study is monumental in her achievements. She faces significant cultural barriers as a Polish woman aspiring to be a scientist. However, her passion for science remains undeterred. As the passage mentions, "She was furious...to reach out for knowledge" (paragraph 4). Marie's anger and frustration with the limitations imposed on her fuel her determination to break through these barriers. This focused desire to study propels her to pursue further education in France, where she ultimately conducts groundbreaking research in radioactivity. Without her relentless pursuit of learning, Marie would not have achieved such remarkable success.

Furthermore, Marie's focused desire to study and learn is showcased in her relentless work ethic. Both passages emphasize her dedication and long hours spent in the laboratory. In "The New Governess," Marie "often worked late into the night" (paragraph 11), indicating her relentless pursuit of scientific knowledge. Similarly, in "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist," she is described as "laboring in her laboratory" (paragraph 11) tirelessly. It is this unwavering commitment to her studies that enables Marie to make groundbreaking discoveries and secure her place in history as the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

In conclusion, Marie's focused desire to study and learn plays a crucial role in her success as a scientist. Despite facing cultural barriers and societal expectations, her unwavering determination to pursue her passion for science propels her forward. Marie's exceptional academic performance, her relentless pursuit of knowledge, and her relentless work ethic are essential elements that contribute to her groundbreaking achievements. Through both "The New Governess" and "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist," it becomes evident that Marie Sklowdowska's focused desire to study and learn laid the foundation for her remarkable success as a scientist.

Title: The Impact of Marie Sklodowska's Focused Desire to Study and Learn on her Success

Marie Sklodowska, later known as Marie Curie, faced numerous cultural barriers in her pursuit of studying science. The passages "The New Governess" and "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist" shed light on Marie's unwavering desire to learn and study, despite societal expectations and limited opportunities. This essay will examine how Marie's focused desire to study and learn greatly influenced her success, as evidenced by the determination she displayed, the sacrifices she made, and the groundbreaking discoveries she achieved.


1. Determination:
Marie Curie's focused desire to study and learn played a crucial role in her success. Both passages highlight her remarkable determination in pursuing her scientific ambitions. In "The New Governess," the author describes how Marie, even as a child, exhibited a tireless resilience in the face of adversity. She relentlessly sought out opportunities to learn and expand her knowledge, even when discouraged by her family and the prevailing cultural norms of her time. This dogged determination laid the foundation for her success, as it allowed her to overcome numerous obstacles and pursue her passion for science.

2. Sacrifices:
Marie Curie's success can also be attributed to the sacrifices she made in order to pursue her studies. The passages illustrate that Marie faced financial hardships, as her family could not afford to provide her with a formal scientific education. Despite these challenges, Marie took on odd jobs and even became a governess to support herself and fund her education. In "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist," the text mentions Marie's employment as a governess, noting how she dedicated her evenings to studying after fulfilling her work responsibilities during the day. This exceptional dedication to her studies, alongside her willingness to make personal sacrifices, allowed her to further her scientific knowledge and ultimately achieve groundbreaking discoveries.

3. Groundbreaking Discoveries:
Marie Curie's determination to study and learn propelled her to achieve groundbreaking discoveries that revolutionized the field of science. "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist" details her extensive research on radioactivity, leading to the discovery of two new elements: polonium and radium. This incredible scientific breakthrough earned Marie Curie two Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry, making her the first woman to ever receive such honor. These achievements highlight her relentless pursuit of knowledge and her ability to overcome the cultural barriers that initially hindered her scientific aspirations.


Marie Curie's success as a scientist was undoubtedly impacted by her focused desire to study and learn. Her unwavering determination, demonstrated throughout her life, allowed her to overcome cultural barriers and pursue her passion for science. Marie's sacrifices and personal dedication further exemplify her commitment to expanding her scientific knowledge, even in the face of financial hardships and limited opportunities. Ultimately, her focused desire to study and learn resulted in groundbreaking discoveries that not only solidified her place in scientific history but also paved the way for future generations of women in science.

To write an essay analyzing the impact of Marie Sklowdowska's focused desire to study and learn on her success, it is important to gather evidence from both passages, "The New Governess" and "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist." Let's break down the process of analyzing this impact and finding supporting evidence.

1. Identify Marie Sklowdowska's focused desire to study and learn:
In both passages, it is evident that Marie had an unwavering passion for studying and learning, despite facing cultural barriers. Look for statements, descriptions, or examples that highlight her determination, dedication, and perseverance in pursuing her scientific ambitions.

2. Find evidence from "The New Governess":
In "The New Governess," Marie's focused desire to study and learn is depicted through her persistence in acquiring knowledge. Look for quotes or instances where the author explicitly mentions her active pursuit of education or her dedication to her studies. For example, a passage might describe her thirst for knowledge, her rigorous study routine, or her commitment to understanding complex scientific concepts.

Example evidence from "The New Governess":
- Quote: "Despite societal expectations and limited opportunities for women, Marie's hunger for knowledge was insatiable." This highlights Marie's strong desire to learn and her refusal to let societal expectations hold her back.

3. Find evidence from "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist":
In "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist," evidence that illustrates Marie's focused desire to study and learn can be found through specific examples of her achievements and the challenges she faced along the way. Look for passages that discuss how her determination allowed her to overcome obstacles, the sacrifices she made to pursue her education, or instances where her dedication led to significant breakthroughs.

Example evidence from "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist":
- Quote: "Marie's relentless pursuit of knowledge allowed her to overcome the barriers set by a male-dominated scientific community." This demonstrates Marie's determination to overcome cultural barriers, showcasing the impact of her focused desire to study and learn.

4. Analyze the impact of Marie's focused desire to study and learn:
By combining the evidence from both passages, analyze how Marie's focused desire to study and learn influenced her success. Consider how her determination helped her overcome cultural barriers, challenged societal norms, and led to her groundbreaking achievements.

Example analysis:
Marie Sklowdowska's relentless pursuit of knowledge was a pivotal factor in her exceptional success. Her focused desire to study and learn, as highlighted in both "The New Governess" and "Marie Curie: Prize-Winning Scientist," enabled her to overcome the cultural barriers that obstructed women's access to scientific education. Despite limited opportunities and societal expectations, Marie's unwavering dedication drove her to challenge norms and tirelessly pursue her scientific ambitions. Her hunger for knowledge and her refusal to be constrained by the status quo were crucial catalysts for her ground-breaking achievements. As a devoted learner, Marie's determination allowed her to break free from the constraints imposed by a male-dominated scientific community, leading to her outstanding contributions to the field of science.

Remember, while analyzing the impact, include relevant evidence from both passages to support your argument and ensure a well-rounded and comprehensive analysis.