Question 10 options:

Solve the problem.

Bryce wrote a six-page essay for his English class. It took him 2.5 hours to write the essay. How many minutes did he average per page?

Blank Space__________minutes

To find out how many minutes Bryce averaged per page, we need to divide the total amount of time he took (2.5 hours) by the number of pages he wrote (6 pages).

We know that 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, so we can convert 2.5 hours to minutes by multiplying it by 60 minutes.

2.5 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 150 minutes.

Therefore, Bryce averaged 150 minutes in total to write his 6-page essay.

To find out how many minutes he averaged per page, we can divide the total minutes by the number of pages.

150 minutes / 6 pages = 25 minutes per page.

Therefore, Bryce averaged 25 minutes per page.

To find out how many minutes Bryce averaged per page, we can divide the total time by the number of pages.

We know that Bryce took 2.5 hours to write the essay, which is equal to 150 minutes (since there are 60 minutes in an hour).

Next, we divide the total time (150 minutes) by the number of pages (6) to find the average time per page.

150 minutes / 6 pages = 25 minutes

Therefore, Bryce averaged 25 minutes per page.

To find out how many minutes Bryce averaged per page, you need to divide the total time it took him to write the essay by the number of pages.

First, convert 2.5 hours to minutes since the question is asking for minutes per page. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so:
2.5 hours * 60 minutes per hour = 150 minutes

Next, divide the total minutes (150) by the number of pages (6):
150 minutes / 6 pages = 25 minutes per page

Therefore, Bryce averaged 25 minutes per page.