jesse can complete 48 math problems in 8 minutes how many can she complete in 1 minute?

how many math problems can she complete in 15 minutes

A-24; 72
B-9; 23
C-6; 90
D-7; 22

To find how many math problems Jesse can complete in 1 minute, we divide the total number of math problems she can complete in 8 minutes by 8. 48/8 = <<48/8=6>>6.

Therefore, in 1 minute, Jesse can complete 6 math problems.

To find how many math problems she can complete in 15 minutes, we multiply the number of math problems she can complete in 1 minute by 15. 6 * 15 = <<6*15=90>>90.

Therefore, Jesse can complete 90 math problems in 15 minutes.

So the correct answer is C-6; 90.

To find the number of math problems Jesse can complete in 1 minute, we need to divide the total number of problems she can complete in 8 minutes by 8.

48 math problems ÷ 8 minutes = 6 math problems

So, Jesse can complete 6 math problems in 1 minute.

To find the number of math problems she can complete in 15 minutes, we need to multiply the number of problems she can complete in 1 minute by 15.

6 math problems × 15 minutes = 90 math problems

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Jesse can complete 6 math problems in 1 minute and 90 math problems in 15 minutes.

To find out how many math problems Jesse can complete in 1 minute, we can divide the total number of math problems completed (48) by the total time taken (8 minutes).

So, 48 math problems ÷ 8 minutes = 6 math problems per minute.

Therefore, Jesse can complete 6 math problems in 1 minute.

To find out how many math problems Jesse can complete in 15 minutes, we can multiply the number of math problems completed in 1 minute (6) by the total time taken (15 minutes).

So, 6 math problems per minute × 15 minutes = 90 math problems in 15 minutes.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C-6; 90.